Monday, December 30, 2013

My inventions wish list

A conversation with a friend today lead me to muse about inventions.  Over the last 100 years, society has seen the most amazing changes known to man.  The fact that I can sit here and type on a computer and then post something that could immediately be read by someone across the country or the world is something the major newspaper publishers of the early 1900 hundreds could never even dream of.  Looking at inventions this way, I submit a list of things I would love to see invented in the near future.  Haven't we all been taught to believe in our dreams? :)
1. A happiness inhaler.  When you feel sad, just use this inhaler, and suddenly you get the same sensation you would have when standing in Disneyland, or on a beach, or in a french pastry shop.
2.  A Willy-Wonka-esque Pinterest.  You pin it, and then suddenly the item you have pinned is transported to your screen so that you can take it out and possess it right then.
3.  Hermione's handbag.  Seriously, its all I want.
4.  Speaking of Willy Wonka, someone needs to invent and perfect the meal gum.  I don't want to turn into a blueberry, but some days I am too tired to cook and would love to have the capability to serve a stick of healthy nutritious dinner gum.
5.  If they can invent robot vacuums, why not robot maids?  It worked in the Jetsons.  It should be on the top of invention priorities.
6.  Some kind of chip in our brain that makes celery taste like french fries.
7.  A way to take mental exercises and have them work towards burning calories.  The more you think, read, or be in any way intellectual, the more calories you burn.
8.  Sunblock that you only have to put on once, and it stays forever.  And doesn't sting your eyes.
Any more?  Things you all dream of to make life better?

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