Sunday, January 19, 2014

Being nice

Today someone offered me a very kind gesture.  They gave me a package of tissues when I was in need of one.  It was a small gesture.  But it meant the world to me.  On the first tissue was written the words "We Love You."  I really wish people were more kind to one another.  I think it would go a long way.  Sometimes we think we don't know what to say, what to do.  So let me list a few things I think would make the world a better place.
1. Carry tissues (lesson learned).
2. Give more hugs.
3. Smile more.
4. Compliment more, and not just about looks.
5.  Say I'm sorry.
6.  Understand that everyone is fighting their own battle.
7. Don't judge.
8.  Don't judge.
9. Don't judge.
10.  Listen to each other.
11. Teach people to feel comfortable being themselves.
12. Share.
13.  Don't think that your way is the only right way.
14.  Don't think that people who don't speak like you, act like you, or think like you are evil.
15.  Sing, have fun, play, whatever it is you like to do, do that more.

I am very grateful today for tissues.

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