Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Entertaining Children

I love technology and new inventions and all of the things that go with it, but what I do not love is that sometimes I feel like there is too much stimulation for my kids.  Too many things to take up their time.  TV, Movies, Radio, Computers, Tablets, Smart Phones, tech-savy toys, and on and on.  So, I am trying to help my daughters remember that there are things they can do and play with that don't require batteries.
1. Reading.
2. Running
3.  Singing
4. Playing piano
5. Playgrounds
6. Blocks
7. playing dress up
8. Coloring
9. Writing stories.
10.  Cooking
11.'s what my seven year old is doing now :)
12.  Chores :)
13. Build something
14. Gardening
15. Hair and nails and all girly things
16.  Sewing
17. Board games
18. Puzzles
19. Making jewelry
20.  Swimming.

Going to unplug tonight.  Enjoy everyone!

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