Thursday, January 2, 2014

Entertained by a three year old

I love watching kids learn to communicate.  One of my very favorite things.  My youngest really likes to feel like she is a part of things, which may include repeating, speaking, helping, anything that makes her feel like she belongs.  Some of my favorite things that have come out of her mouth recently:

1. Mommy! I Lob you!
2. Mommy, I have sugar? (meaning any sweet treat)
3.  I want to be a monster! (Sobbing, mind you)
4.  Mommy, I sitting on your face. (At 3am)
5.  Mommy I don't want toy drums.  I want real drums.
6.  Reciting and acting out almost every scene and song from Frozen.
7.  After bumping into me.....I sorry Mommy.  I get you lotion, make you better.
8.  You the best eber!!
9.  Mommy, you be a monster! You scary!  I scream.
10.  Mommy I dance.  You sing.  Ready, Go!

I adore this little girl.

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